
Showing posts from May, 2015

Multiple Races / Depth of Content in an RPG

One question I get pretty frequently on WoB is "Why don't you have Vaizard, Quincy, Fullbringers, and Bount?" The answer is that I don't like throwing more races in just for the sake of having more races, I believe they need to fit into a greater design of the game. Vaizard is planned and I will be doing that once I get a few more things that need to be done finished, because balancing the game between two races is hard enough without throwing a third one into the mix. In the case of Bount and Quincy, there isn't much source material to work from compared to Shinigami and Hollow, the two races that formed the core identity of Bleach for around 300 episodes, in combination with their half-races Arrancar and Vaizard. There were only three Quincy shown in the anime, and the Bount race was a half-developed race for a filler arc that was non-canon, and there were maybe 6 or 7 actual Bount characters, which doesn't leave a lot to make abilities: Consider that for th